During the project, it was visible how employability is somehow regulated by culture in some countries and it depends as well on the seasonal environment when the business goes well.
Author: Martin Trubelja, Dani Kolanis
“eMPL@Y” is an Erasmus+ project developed in the format of a Training Course for youth workers and educators who have witnessed the consequences of Covid19 in the sector of youth employability. The Training Course took place from the 20th to the 28th of January 2023.
Throughout the training we had the chance to understand how each participant’s country situation is about employability and to understand the definitions of being employed, employability, underemployed, to have a talent, skills, competences, behaviour, attitude, potential and know-how to distingue between them all.
Afterwards, we continued more deeply into the employability topic in our regional groups, individually and at a national level.
After building up basics, we ran over how to structure our needs for the future, how to plan and see what we would recommend to the youth on what are the necessary skills and processes to cover during the employability process.
Non-formal education helped me to develop skills and competencies in regard to employability in the level of understanding necessary processes, what the needs are, and how to reach them in proactive ways as well as how to be competent to pass by my competitors.
The resources which we presented were well-processed by each participant and their opinions were shared. That has helped us to see the importance of employability in our communities and countries we came from and supported us on how to face these possible obstacles and problems.
We had the chance to present work each time whether was individual or group work or within mixed country groups. We selected important information in order to develop appropriate guidelines for ourselves.
We were working all time in teams during the project which gathered all our ideas, and thoughts and provided good brainstorming in a proactive way. That helped us to have common views, similar problems and how to contribute with different aspects to find the solution and learn something from it.
During the project, it was visible how employability is somehow regulated by culture in some countries and it depends as well on the seasonal environment when the business goes well. We wanted to find out ways how to overcome the possibility of employability during seasonal and intercultural influence by not touching and altering its values.
We had workshops to understand how the environment can influence decisions regarding employability and its significant harm on people who are unemployed, and businesses. We exercised how to improve it within a local area, county, region, national level, and international level, to gather necessary actions to bring the atmosphere back to business and employability. Then we tried to see it from the employer’s view, what they are looking for and what the needs are.
From the political aspect, it depends on what situation is in the world’s position and who leads it. From us, youth workers our task was how to tackle it and how we can provide youngsters guidelines on what they have to work to get a chance to be employed in small communities which are not developed.
The organiser of the project is Euro Demos Youth Mobility NGO and the partner from Croatia Association Strive! The project is co-financed with the Erasmus + program.
Find more project pictures and stories by following our Instagram account: strive.hr!