Training Course: “T4T in Peace education”
Dates of the exchange: 6 – 14 December 2021
Place: Uppsala, Sweden
Who: 2 participants from Croatia
Partner countries: Sweden, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Cyprus, France, Lithuania, Malta, Turkey, Czech Republic, Portugal
Application deadline: 16 November 2021 (read below how to apply)
INFO PACK (available for download)
Context and objectives
The 21st century has seen the rise of conflicts, whether armed, psychological or of other nature, which inevitably lead to a human rights crisis like never before. Sustainable, lasting peace and security can only be attained when all human rights are fulfilled. Building and maintaining a culture of peace is a shared challenge for humankind. The Santiago Declaration on the Human Right to Peace, adopted in 2010 by The International Congress on the Human Right to Peace recognises individuals, groups, peoples and all humankind as holders of the “inalienable right to a just, sustainable and lasting peace” (Art. 1). The declaration also calls for the right to education “on and for peace and all other human rights” as a component of the right to peace because “education and socialization for peace is a condition sine qua non for unlearning war and building identities disentangled from violence”.
In the light of current critical situations putting peace at risk worldwide, it is important to address the need for peace education and provide youth workers with skills and knowledge on peacebuilding, prevention of conflicts and resolving the occurrence of conflicts in a peaceful way, which they can transfer upon young people in a non-formal and sustainable manner.
T4T in Peace Education will be a Training Course taking place in Uppsala, Sweden, gathering 25 youth workers who are motivated to develop basic trainer skills in peace education. It addresses the following objectives:
- Mapping the peace education field in each country, in order to understand the reality and differences between societies.
2. Designing a collection of peace education activities for children and young people, based on the notions of prevention and resolution of all forms of conflict and violence, whether overt or structural, from the interpersonal level to the societal level.
3. Exploring basic trainer skills, attitudes, competencies and understanding groups, how to interact with them and the relationship between the group and trainer in a variety of settings.
4. Enfоrcing the Eurоpean cooperation between оrganizatiоns active in the yоuth field within Erasmus+ cоntext.
Expected results:
• Empowering youth workers with trainer skills in peace education;
• Creating a collection of activities in peace education for young people;
• Facilitating future collaboration between organisations in the peace education field.
We are looking for 2 participants who are:
- 18 +,
- Croatian residents,
- youth workers, teachers, young leaders, active members of associations,
- fluent in English,
- higly motivated to become trainers in Erasmus + projects,
- already working with young people.
This project is financed by Erasmus +, so all costs like travel, accommodation, and food during the exchange duration are covered.
Erasmus + program is covering full costs of accommodation and food (3 meals per day + snacks with a coffee break) during the training course.
There is an annual membership for joining our mobility projects. The price of membership is different for active and passive members, volunteers, or newcomers, so for detailed info click here.
Participants are buying tickets with the help of organizers and travel costs are going to be reimbursed after the project. The maximum travel reimbursement budget for a participant from Croatia is 275 EUR.
Yes. There is no participation fee. But you are agreeing with rules and conditions by signing the participant contract and including it in the application. Applications without a signed contract and CV are not going to be accepted. So, better be serious and read all the info about the project one more time including your personal time management.
Fill out the application form for participants and send us the following documents to the email pr************@gm***.com:
– CV in English or Croatian,
– Signed participant contract (click to open).
All data is going to be handled according to GDPR regulations.
Just to be sure you have done everything right, read 3 steps to apply for our granted Erasmus + project calls.
Selected participants, as well as candidates on the waiting lists, will be informed about the results until the 17th of November 2021. If you are going to be selected, you will need to fill in the application form for the organizers. Don’t worry, we will remind you. 😉
As you already know, measures are changing every day in every country due to epidemic situations. If organizers estimate implementation of the mobility won’t be possible due to the safety of participants, the dates of the mobility will be delayed.
Even we are offering participation in this project “for free” it doesn’t mean it is free. As an organization, we are covering project administration costs and our young volunteers are working hard, investing their energy, knowledge, and time to make this opportunity possible. Why? Because we are in love with mobility and striving to open even more international opportunities for young people and youth workers in Croatia and wider who invest time in self-development and make positive changes in their environments.
Our projects would be even more productive and beneficial with small financial injections. So, please, feel invited to invest in youth education, future and entrepreneurial spirit. <3
Stay updated with mobility opportunities by joining the group. To check out what is going on during projects, follow us on Instagram.