Changes of Eternal Exodus

Dates of the event: 07 – 15 October 2017

Place: San Giorgio del Sannio, Italy

The project “Changes of Eternal Exodus” in San Giorgio del Sannio, Benevento, Italy was an intercultural youth exchange involving 30 young people from Croatia, Italy, Macedonia, Spain & Turkey organized by the YMCA Parthenope ONLUS.️️️️️ Strive! was presented by Ines Boljat, Lucija Koren, Mirna Makovac, Ivan Pikija, Marko Kovačević and Ana Mihovilović.  The main theme of the project deals with immigrants: what difficulties immigrants face, why they want to migrate to other countries than their own, how they change their lives when they migrate, and how they try to survive.

In Benevento, there are many immigrants. Participants of the project met these immigrants, share their problems and seek solutions. Also, some immigrants join the project. Participants together shed light on this immigration phenomenon that has become a big problem in the world and discussed it.

Another part of the project were intercultural activities. Every day youngsters have lived a different country’s culture and eat the famous dishes listening traditional songs.

Some of the Croatian participants shared their thoughts about the project and experience.

“It has been truly positive experience, and the impressions are indescribable. I was honored to participate in an international project dealing with migration and refugee issues and to meet all the wonderful people who are now my friends. Through many workshops, tasks and games, I have learned about others and the world around us. I have learned a lot about the asylum and international protection system in Italy, the problems that immigrants encounter in the new environment, on the road to Europe and in their own countries, and the way they are fighting for their better future. I will apply all the acquired knowledge and experience in the framework of my professional activity in relation to volunteering and providing legal aid to migrants and refugees in the Republic of Croatia. I hope to be involved in more workshops, seminars, and projects that relate to this topic. ” Lucija Koren (26), Čakovec

“What the media is presenting about refugees, as many believe, is actually a distorted picture of reality – they do not come with the intent to endanger Europeans, but many of them come to Europe because of their desire for a better life or to save their own lives. Many have changed their minds about having the opportunity to hear their side of the story as I have, and that’s why I will try to break up the prejudices about refugees in my surrounding. ” Mirna Makovec (20), Martinska Ves

“What I took the most from the project is probably the freedom of expression and that public appearance in front of other people is already in my comfort zone, which again brings me new challenges. Seeing that there is no need to be an “expert” with a lot of experience in organizing projects to actually organize one, I think I have climbed several steps towards the goal: to launch the project myself. ” Marko Kovačević (21), Koška

The most interesting for us is learning outcomes of our participants, their experience, and inspiration to do small steps towards the solution of the global problem. The project was implemented through 2 main mobility activities, APV in September 2017 and youth exchange from 7th to 15th of October in San Giorgio del Sannio.



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