Born to Strive!

There are three different versions of the same story joined into one international fairy tale. Once upon a time, 3 unusual girls were born in a small town in the north of Croatia. Their life paths intertwined in early childhood so they spent together 12 years in school and become inseparable friends. Girls were included in various activities outside the school, sports clubs, and associations, in order to have a chance to travel, meet people from other regions of the country and learn practical things. Nothing was better than going to a tournament, youth meeting or an inevitable theatre performance.

But soon came the end of high school and the time that each of them chooses a profession and starts college in an unfamiliar place. Although they stepped into a new world, began life in another city and expand circles of friendship, they were always finding time to share experiences and adventures with each other. As student days went by, girls revealed more opportunities and possibilities offered by the non-formal education, and above all, the Erasmus + program. It was love at first sight! An inexhaustible fan of ideas, programs, and projects, which allows us- young people to travel, educate, make friends with people from different parts of the world, to live and volunteer in any country in Europe!

Gathering knowledge and experience through travelling around Europe, girls concluded they want to convey their striving for mobility and non-formal education to all youngsters in Croatia. Through education, volunteering and travelling we want to inspire young people to become actively involved in the local community.

And that is how Strive! was born…to be continued.